Yep yep yep, I was just thinking about 'modest is hottest' this week. I remember reading this thing as a teenager called 'the modesty survey' where some teenage girls interviewed a bunch of guys to ask whether things like visible bra straps or sitting crosslegged were 'stumbling blocks'.

I now love a good tight top and avoid maxi skirts like the plague.

The weirdest part for me has been realizing that I was told my body had this weird power to ensnare men and it just...doesn't work that way. I've worn a miniskirt to work and all my male coworkers treated me like a normal person who has good ideas in meetings. The creepy guys were always going to be creepy! The hemlines aren't the issue!

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The modesty survey 🤢 I'm so glad you're living it up in tight tops and mini skirts!!! Without needing to worry about creepy male coworkers!! And wow, you said "maxi skirts" and it brought back so many memories for me. *shudder* I similarly never want to wear a maxi skirt ever again!

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Feb 7Liked by Maryn Tan

Love the jumpsuit and love you! So happy you are embracing what a wonderful human you are!

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Thanks, Mom 🥰 Love you!

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Feb 11Liked by Maryn Tan

I love your writing! Your authenticity mixed with your own brand of pixie dust is simply beautiful.

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Best compliment — thank you 🥰

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Feb 8Liked by Maryn Tan

YES!!! What a gift to feel at home in your body. The honesty and sweet freedom expressed in this sharing is profound. Thank you so much for sharing this experience!

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Truly a gift!! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

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Maryn, this is so lovely to see!!! You are absolutely glowing ❤️ Also, yes to the subtle pixie mullet! I think it would look amazing.

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Thank you so much 🥺 I went for my usual haircut today and my stylist was 100% onboard with the mullet idea, so it's happening! I also ended up leaving my appointment with pink hair, so more to come on that!

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Waaittttt, I can NOT wait to see the pink hair!!! Loving all the cool little shifts in your expression recently :)

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Hehe, a story for the next post :))) Thank you!! Me too.

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Aww this made me so happy to read! You look comfy and happy 🥲

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Thank you 🥺

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Feb 7Liked by Maryn Tan

You have no idea how much I relate to your experience of modesty and working to overcome it! I had a similar yoga clothes situation last summer. I bought a bikini for the first time!! I was very nervous and still haven’t told my Mom and sister I own it. Secretly….I LOVE it and love myself in it :) Thank you for sharing!!

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YES! YOU ROCK THAT BIKINI! This makes me so happy. I got my first bikini a few years ago, but I'm not sure you can even call it a bikini — the top is longline and the bottoms are high-waisted, so between the two, only like an inch of my stomach shows. Ha! But I have a goal to get a REAL bikini! Baby steps!

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