Nov 12, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Oh wow i am determined to find the iPhone equivalent of that app because NEEEEED. Also yes, Eras stimulation is All Too Real. In both the concert and movie, I found myself getting overwhelmingly tired. I’m excited to simply watch in on my couch one day immersed in a cozy blanket with no one around. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

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I just got a new phone (to replace the one that kept shutting off at random moments) and NGL, I haven't redownloaded the Minimalist app — mostly because I feel like I don't need it as much now. Just one week with it fundamentally changed my behavior!!! But when I set up my new phone, I made sure to make my Home Screen super simple and only include the apps I *need* most. And I'm trying to see my phone purely as a tool rather than a source of entertainment. So far, so good!

AND YES! I can't wait to watch Eras again on my own cozied up at home at the pace I want. It sounds positively magical.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Oh! I loved this in so many ways! Yes, I can read your writing and loved the journey you allowed me to take with you! I still collect things - rocks, sea shells, even children's books from a fun 2nd hand store in Chicago! And I still feel lost, wondering who I am... but I'm finding treasured insights

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Thank you, thank you!! Love that you collect things — I'm starting to do that more again after moving around so much. Here's to finding ourselves and beauty along the way!

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This was a fun read. I love the comic book style narrative. Also, yay for the minimalist phone app! It's my favorite too, though I do like to use my light phone occasionally when I need a true social media break.

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Thank you!! Very much still thinking about a Light Phone for the future 👀

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

My week is always brightened by your posts! Loved the comic and definitely can read your handwriting. Thanks for sharing

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Ahh, I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you so much 🥺

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Maryn!! This comic is so lovely and I'm always overjoyed to see some of your artwork in my inbox! I had the exact same worry about my handwriting being illegible when I tried my hand at something similar with my poetry hahaha — yours is so legible, don't even sweat it!

Seeing the collection of rocks at the store was nostalgic for me too honestly, I remember picking out the prettiest ones at markets or fairs I went to :) You captured their beauty SO well in your comic ❤️

I'm not sure if you're a fan of/watch ASMR content but there's one YouTuber I think you'd love! Her username is Ediya ASMR and she makes tarot videos every month — your reading is based on a rock/stone you choose (which I thought seemed fitting given this post's topic). Let me know if you end up checking her out! Sending good vibes your way, always :)

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Gahhh you are the best ❤️ Thank you, thank you, thank you! Truly so relieved that my handwriting is legible, you have no idea hahaha. I'm sure yours is lovely too!

I used to have a full-on rock collection growing up! Not just a little bagful! I think I need to bring it back. It's such a fun way to collect memories.

ASMR is tricky for me because of my heightened sensory sensitivity, but that tarot/stone combo sounds so lovely. I know people do spiritual stuff with stones and I'm definitely curious about all that!! Sending good vibes right back to you :)

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

What a wonderful comic <3 Please make more!

I have to let you know I've always admired and loved your handwriting. Back in the day it inspired me to loosen up my own because I used to put too much effort into making it perfect lol

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Gladly 🤗 Gahh, you're so sweet. I do remember you having exceptionally beautiful handwriting!!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Love this so much! We all MUST have a bag of magic stones! I have a couple bags myself ;)

And yep, can absolutely read your writing and love the feel of it - the way it translates on the page to a certain vibe - light but deeply insightful. These comics are wonderful!

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Oh, yay!! Thank you so, so much. ❤️ I knew you'd have some of your own bags of magic stones! ;)

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Beautiful! I would've wanted to draw those stones, too! And that tin ceiling?!

I've been so curious about that Minimalist phone app. Glad to hear it's great! I'm in an okay spot with my phone right now, but will keep this in mind for when it inevitably spirals out again.

Finally, as someone who attended Eras in person, it was a LOT. Amazing, great, but a hoarse voice and zero energy the next day. My sister and I just lazed around and watched Twilight the next day, the perfect amount of brain-dead.

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UNREAL tin ceiling, right?! Not surprised at all that you noticed it — it was my favorite detail too.

Let me know what you think if you ever try the Minimalist Phone! It takes some tweaking to get the settings right, but I love it so much.

Ooo, thank you for sharing your experience! The Eras recovery just seems like an awful lot... We wondered aloud several times as we were watching, HOW DOES TAYLOR DO IT?! Which is the question the world is asking, but for real. How does she?!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Maryn! The comic was beautiful and poignant. I loved it.

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Ahh, thank you so much! So very relieved to know you could read my handwriting!

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