Sep 6, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

I've said it before and I'll say it again - jumping into grad school was such an incredibly brave and amazing thing you did and I will always admire it so much!! I don't know if I'd ever have the courage to do something like that, though I do sometimes daydream about going back to school to really learn illustration! WHY didn't I do that the first time around? .....because I was too scared to try something that I didn't think I was inherently *the best* at and instead went with a degree in an art that felt "easier" to the abilities I already had. Eek.

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Time to start looking into MFAs! It's your turn!! ❤️

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Yes to magic!! Finding it, experiencing it comes from from all the elements you've described. The more I share openly, the more magic has appeared in my life - over and over and over again. Am I the only one now dying to know more of your secrets??

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Magic abounds with Benita ✨ It's safe to say that you know more of my secrets than most people reading here! Excited to share more though :)

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Awwww. Thank you.

Lol. I suppose so. Excited for you to share more of them here (when it aligns to do so, of course!).

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Yes! So glad you're writing--I appreciate your voice and the way you share so generously. It takes guts! And yes! Make comics!! It's so fun. I remember starting and just throwing drawings out into the ether of Instagram. I look back and am surprised at how much I've grown making them but how much stays the same. There's a core sensibility that just feels like me, y'know? What a delight to share that with the world.

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Ahh, thank you so much. Your comics are *truly* delights (along with everything you share)! I might give comic-making a shot for my next Monday post... TBD. I appreciate your encouragement so much!

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

You've gotten me all teary eyed! I've found my lil beats of focus where I can stick to smol things which are learning German, learning cooking and my lil LinkedIn learnings. but I'm currently in a dip of "overthinking myself into oblivion" and really feeling challenged about getting out there and solving some serious problems that need solving! Ahh I'm enthusiastic about bringing in relief and pissed at how long I'm taking :'). Thanks for sharing <3

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You're so not alone, Ro! I feel like my entire life is a practice of trying to get out of my head. I'm constantly doing things to try to help me get into my body and be more present and connected to my inner self (hence this newsletter). The good news is that I know it's possible for me and I know it's possible for you too. <3 Hang in there! Thank you so much for reading.

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