So proud of you for both your thoughtful sharing and for knowing you need to keep some things to yourself. I grew up with some similar tendencies towards religious rule following, and it's so tricky to sort out what I still believe to be true and all the junk that gets thrown in along with it. I find myself leaning into the mystery these days--I can't make sense of everything, so I might as well be fascinated by it, right?

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Ahh, thank you. I admittedly was in a panic before publishing, worrying that I was sharing too much. It's hard to know sometimes what to share and what to keep, but I'm glad I went through with it. :) I loooove the idea of leaning into the mystery! I'm in a similar space, but I love that framing of it. Love me some mystery.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Beautiful! Powerful! Thank you for sharing. I love the first photo (wow!) and haiku + the visual. Moving from black + white to grey/technicolor thinking is such a powerful shift. I went through something similar in my 20s-30s and so grateful for the compassion, freedom, acceptance, peace and ease (for myself and others) that it allows me today. So glad Maryn is here :)

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Many more photos where that first one came from! For having so much inner turmoil as a teen, I sure loved taking self-portraits. :) Thank you, thank you, thank you. Something about the 20s-30s that really wakes you up. So glad to be here and so glad to have your support through it all! ❤️

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This is beautiful Maryn. I’m so happy for you and your journey of finding new ways to think .


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Thank you so much, Libby!! ❤️

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

I wish you'd expand upon your intrusive thoughts? Did you leave because you didn’t believe 110% of everything and if you can’t give 100% perfection the OCD is in affect? Or because intrusive thoughts were something bad or unholy or you'd have to repent for? For me it was because I am gay and not accepted and seemed ridiculous set of rules for someone with integrity. You are so brave for going on a mission to figure out who you were even when doubt’s popped up. I had no idea.

How about your Utah Thompson Jenkins family? I haven't seen you in forever. I miss you.

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Hi, hi! Thank you so much for reading. I absolutely could have clarified more about my intrusive thoughts — apologies for the confusion. My intrusive thoughts were/are more in the camp of "bad," "unholy," or otherwise completely out of character for me. Part of why I didn't go into more detail about them is because I still carry a lot of shame surrounding them. I think YOU are so brave for living a life aligned with your integrity! Thank you for sharing. I know, it's been forever since I've seen you and the fam — Utah is triggering for me for many reasons, but I'm working on it. :)

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Thanks for responding

I am finally in a stage of life very open and ok with sharing where Im at and where I used to be and those seasons along the journey if you ever wanna chat. Hugs

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

As someone else who with a history of religious OCD in the Mormon context I appreciate you sharing your story! It’s beautifully written and powerful for us to realize we aren’t alone even if all our journeys are different. I’m sad we never overlapped in Paris but I’m happy I found you on the internet ;) keep sharing your deep thoughts 💛

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Ahh, thank you so much! I'm sorry you have a history with it too — it's not fun, to put it mildly. Absolutely bummed we didn't overlap in Paris, but I've loved following your journey. Mad at the internet for a lot of things but grateful for it making possible international connections like these ❤️

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So, so glad this is out for the world to see!! This is beautifully written Maryn ❤️ You're inspiring so many out there to speak about their experiences, especially the difficult ones. Also — you've lived so much life!! It's incredible to see/hear about how much you and Freddy have done over the years. I bet it was so wonderful living in all those different places!

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Thank you for being my cheerleader!! It means so much. ❤️ And yeeeeah — don't know that I would recommend three international moves within six months (long story), but MUCH LIFE WAS LIVED. :)

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