Mar 1Liked by Maryn Tan

Yes to drawing your feelings - so good! Love your little monster. Lying on the floor is awesome also. I shake my whole body to move the feelings and energy through, I WALK, walk, walk - physical activity helps me a lot, I pray (but not to a "God" - just out to the universe), I meditate, I talk to neutral, supportive, safe people.

And, the goodies, look really good.

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I just saw a video about how shaking your body is good for your nervous system! I ended up trying it yesterday and I'm a fan — adding it to the list. Thanks for being one of my supportive, safe people! ❤

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Mar 3Liked by Maryn Tan

It's an honor.

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Mar 1Liked by Maryn Tan

Love that you're doing needle point! Doing something creative is a great outlet...Im working on wool applique now. Music is a big help for me...listening and playing the piano.

Also Monet is adorable.

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You've always got a great craft project going! I'm not particularly good at needlepoint, but it's fun to try something new. Monet says hi!

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Mar 5Liked by Maryn Tan

I'd love to see your Needlepoint! The more you do it the more comfortable it will become and it's definitely fun to try something new!

I think Gracie and Monet would be great friends! ☺️

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Feb 29Liked by Maryn Tan

Love your monster so much!

One of my kids like to play how he’s feeling on the piano. It’s always very interesting to hear, and he loves playing it for me even when he doesn’t want to talk about his feelings.

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Thank you — I've decided its name is Frustrated Fitz.

Ooo, music is a great way to express feelings. I haven't played any instruments in a while so this reminded me to pick them up again 🥲

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Feb 29Liked by Maryn Tan

Good gracious that little monster. I cannot. It is the most adorable thing I've ever seeeeeeeen. Love your practices to understand your feelings - so inspiring.

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Hehe, thank you so much 🥰 Had the best time drawing it! Almost made up for the crappy situation.

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1. Coping methods:

-Open IG for 10 seconds and immediately burst into tears. Cuts down on screen time too!

-Rewatch comfort movies

-Sweat it out. Either from a hard workout or sauna/cold plunge

-Dance it out to loud music. Scream along in your kitchen or attend an adult dance class

2. February favorite: celebrating my 30th birthday (which is also Valentine’s Day!) in sunny LA 😎

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Okay, loving these coping methods. I wish I could attend one of your dance classes!!!

And excuse me, happy belated 30th!! I'm turning 30 this year too, in December. To the 1994 babies 🥂💕

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Hang in there! February was the longest month, omg. My legit coping mechanism has been letting myself log in to Instagram and watch reels to numb my brain. Other things that help: taking nature walks, grabbing a book and posting up at a brewery, going to a movie IN THEATER, visiting with an old friend and her very active baby (my house is NOT childproof, whoops!), and buying lots of little treats. I'm going to add lying on the floor to my arsenal. Being at a different vantage point in my house honestly sounds perfect.

One thing I've read that helps in the midst of long-slog changing is the poem Start Close In: https://scotterickson.substack.com/p/image-contemplation-start-close-in

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Oh yes! I forgot to include my brain-numbing coping methods like logging in and out of IG and checking Cup of Jo obsessively even though there aren't any new posts this week 🫠 Haven't seen a movie in a theater in a few months, time to return!!

That poem. Absolutely needed that, thank you so much. ❤️


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