Nov 12, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Tarot is a path to reflection - that is so good! You’re inspiring me to look more into it. I love amy sort of “prompt” to get my inner heart and mind wheels turning and tarot seems to really do that.

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I can say with near 100% confidence that YOU WILL LOVE TAROT

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

Love the pose! Love the cards. Love your curious nature and all of your explorations. The "witch" idea and fears around it are deep and fascinating, I believe all who identify as female have powerful "witchy" abilities - that can create fear in others. Step into your powerful witchy vibes my friend! I have had very powerful tarot readings and I love the guidance they can provide. I am someone who now explores, following intuition, taking what works and leaving what doesn't - tarot guidance falls into this category for me. Interesting insight - but doesn't need to be held on to tightly.

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Absolutely embracing my witchy vibes over here and loving it! I get what you mean about tarot — I was taking it all pretty literally at first, and then I had to learn to chill a little and not read into it too much. I think I've found a good balance now. :)

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Maryn Tan

I have dipped my toes into Tarot cards. Kimber is your girl for deeper discussions on that! Semi-permanent tattoos...the first step to a permanent one. 😉 I got a small one this summer. I'm enjoying learning about your journey. I relate to so much of it!

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I actually just chatted with Kimber about it all yesterday! Very timely. :) And oh, boy... I would have gone full-speed ahead into getting a permanent tattoo, but as usual, Freddy is the voice of reason in my life and encouraged semi-permanent tattoos first to make sure it's what I want. I'm excited though! Thank you so, so much for reading. <3

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10/10 pose! 10/10 post! There’s a book called “in defense of witches” that is really good and made me feel like we should all become witches at heart. I love how your described tarot cause I’ve never heard it explained like that!

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Ooo, I feel like I’ve heard of that book but I need to look into it again given this era I’m in 🙃 And thank you so much!! Here’s to being witches at heart ✨

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