K--if you want a good graphic novel, check out "The Prince and the Dressmaker." I love it!

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I second this rec! It is excellent!!!

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I want ALL the good graphic novels!! Thank you for the rec — I just put it on hold! 🙌

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Jan 23Liked by Maryn Tan

The Gochujang caramel cookies are making my mind spin. I've had gochujang in many contexts but never in any sort of sweet, dessert, or baked context?! I cannot comprehend this. I'm so skeptical, but it DID make your top ten list so that means something!!!

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Please send the recipe on to Jason and have him make them as an experiment and then watch as they BLOW BOTH OF YOUR MIIIINDS!!!

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Jan 14Liked by Maryn Tan

I would love to taste your cookies, but I can't even imagine finding Korean Chile paste or putting it in cookies! You are always an interesting human. Jared is really into bird watching in Florida. I need to check out your book recommendations. I have yet to fall in love with a graphic novel! Fun list!

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Happy to be an interesting human 🤗 The cookies may surprise you how good they are! A friend in another comment recommended the graphic novel The Prince & The Dressmaker. I LOVED it and you might too!

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Jan 8Liked by Maryn Tan

Sounds like you are involved in some really fun things right now. War and Peace! Have you seen the BBC movie version yet? Watch after you finish reading.

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I was naughty and watched the first episode 🙃 and I'm honestly glad I did because it's helping me keep track of the characters and visualize everything!

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Every recent winter, I get the itch to list my favorite joy-bringers, and it's the same 3 things: grocery store flowers, winter walks, and candles. Here for all your cozy picks!

Graphic novels I've loved: In by New Yorker cartoonist Will McPhail. Funny and tender and heart wrenching (in a beautiful way).

You & A Bike & A Road by Eleanor Davis, a log of a cross-country solo bike ride. Davis is masterful--her page composition and line *and* storytelling are incredible. And then any/everything by Lucy Kinsley (esp Displacement, about a cruise with her aging grandparents)

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Big yes to those 3 things! Winter walks are my faaaavorite. I love how the cold air wakes me up!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for these recs! I knew you'd know all the good ones. Bookmarking these immediately! Up till now I had mostly just read Heartstopper, which I adore, but I wasn't sure where to look for others!

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Jan 5Liked by Maryn Tan

So much fun, creativity and following intuition in this list!!! Here's to cozy, candlelit nights, lots of reading and bird watching/identifying, etc etc. Your list makes me happy and excited for this time of year - doing a lot of the same - thank you!

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Here's to following what feels good this year 🤗❤️✨

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Jan 5Liked by Maryn Tan

I’m happy to say that the things we are excited about do cross over! Love The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living and do try pukka three cinnamon organic herbal tea…a sweet embrace of Indian,Indonesian and Vietnamese cinnamon. I downloaded your cookie recipe…we’ll see if I get brave enough to try it!

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Love that book and bookmarking that tea! The cookies are SOOO GOOD, I might need to make more this weekend 😋

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